Always after Data Migration process, someone just forget to create a field, or fulfill some data, our just change something already update. And then, you have to create a development to update that data on Account records.
On SAP C4C, there is a feature which can change Account Data massively without any code. I am talk about “Mass Change Account Data” SAP Cloud for Customer feature.
That´s pretty cool, because you can update standard, and also Z Fields. On this article, I will create a Z Field on Accounts already created, and then change that field.
1. Customization
1.1. Description
1.2. Creating a Z Field on C4C
1.3. Make Z Field available on C4C Feature
1.4. Testing the functionality
1.5. Check Account data up
Article: SAP Hybris C4C – How to change Account Data Massively
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