Nowadays the integration of any CRM Environment and E-mail software it crucial. Specially for Sales Team, Sales Rep and son on.
Thinking about it, I created an article of SAP C4C integrated with Microsoft Outlook. Describing step by step, how to configure, and mention the most important functionality of this integration.
1. Customization
1.1. Description
1.2. Downloading Microsoft Outlook Add-in
1.3. Editing C4C Project’s Scope
1.4. Accessing Microsoft Outlook
1.5. Synchronizing Contacts with Outlook
1.6. Checking Synchronized Data (Shelf)
1.7. Checking Synchronized Data (Accounts)
1.8. Creating an Activity in SAP C4C
1.9. Sending E-mails
1.10. Microsoft Outlook disconnect from SAP C4C
Thanks very nice blog!