On this article, I will detail the integration between SAP Hybris C4C and BOX.COM, using WEBDAV Communication Arrangement to do it. The BOX.COM is a repository in cloud to share, and edit files.
And then, in our example, I will start in a Business Object already created in Application Studio, and available on C4C. The scenario is, I will create a JOB to periodically read a file(s) on BOX.COM and insert new records on this Object.
Despite of simplicity of this BO, the possibility to read a repository that you can feed when you need, and C4C read it and process in cloud, it is something very cool and quite useful.
1. Customization
1.1. Description
1.2. What is BOX.COM?
1.3. WEBDAV – Communication Arrangements
1.4. Business Object (Activity)
1.5. Creating XML File Input on Application Studio
1.6. Create a XML File
1.7. Upload file on BOX.COM
1.8. Scheduling Process
1.9. Results
Article: SAP Hybris C4C – XML Input using WEBDAV
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